


新来的一年级新生 & 转移



这 major provides a flexible framework for students interested in philosophical questions.

The applied philosophy major emphasizes critical thinking and practical ethics, 因此被设计成有用的第二专业, which becomes the area of '应用程序' for interdisciplinary study in the student's senior research.

所有应用哲学的课程都必须经过哲学系的批准. The approval procedure requires that each student complete a plan for the major which must explain the reasons why he/she is undertaking this program and include a list of the courses to be taken in philosophy and from other departments.

通过学习批判性地思考政治问题, 经济, 社会, 以及我们文化中的宗教体系, 我们可以找回真实的自己.

牧师. 斯科特·贾米森01年



Students are engaged in one-on-one mentorship with faculty members who guide you in developing a personalized program of study based on your interests and goals. 课程 also help you answer some of the most debated questions of human existence: How do we know what we know? 作为人类,存在意味着什么? 上帝存在吗?? 我们怎样才能有道德地生活?

哲学 students work directly with a faculty member on a major interdisciplinary research project during their senior year. You’ll learn to articulate your own philosophical positions with clarity and depth both in writing and speech.


  • 克隆人类的伦理问题
  • An examination of the ethics of intellectual property issues like copying software
  • 新闻业的道德标准
  • 人力资源理论的伦理检验



PL 141逻辑3
PL 269伦理学导论3
PL 270亚洲思想概论3
PL 310专题:应用伦理学3
PL 400高级独立研究和写作3
选择六个额外的学期哲学课程, 其中至少有三个的编号在300以上6
Choose nine semester hours in approved courses from another department or other departments, 其中六座的编号在200以上9


PL 141逻辑3
PL 269伦理学导论3
PL 310专题:应用伦理学3
选择六个额外的学期哲学选修课, 其中至少有三家超过300人6
从学生的专业中选择一门高年级理论课程 13



PL 1413整体健康领域3选修6
门户网站3 CO 1013
写作能力 4 历史根域3
选修3 选修3
 13 3 15
PL 251 or 2613选修3PL 2693
数学能力3 宗教研究领域3
自然世界领域4 自我与社会领域3
选修3 选修3
 16 3 12
美术领域3PL 2703PL 3103
自我与社会领域3 全局感知域3
文学领域3 选修3
选修3 选修3
 12 3 15
PL 3753选修3PL 4003
选修3 ME 4501
选修3 选修3
选修3 选修3
 12 3 16

注:选修课程可用于第二专业, 一个小, 感兴趣的课程, 有实习或留学经历. 我们强烈鼓励应用哲学专业的学生再修一个专业. 这个为期四年的计划要求第二专业有十门必修课.

注:请参阅 课程部分 获取更多关于门户、能力、领域和顶点课程的信息.


课程设置, 需求, and policies of Mount Mercy大学 are under continual examination and revision. 这 目录 呈现供品, 需求, and policies in effect at the time of publication and in no way guarantees that the offerings, 需求, 政策不会改变.

这 plan of study represents a typical sequence of courses required for this major. 它可能并不适用于每个学生. Students should contact a department faculty member to be sure of appropriate course sequence.


PL 141逻辑:3个学期小时

本课程提供了批判性思维技能的组合, 两种形式逻辑的介绍, 以及对非正式逻辑谬误的调查, 所有这些都是为了在现实生活中找到这些技能的用途. The goal for the class is to develop the ability to distinguish between successful and unsuccessful arguments by learning the structure for good thinking and evaluation the quality of evidence used to support an argument. 没有先决条件.

PL 251西方哲学导论:3个学期小时

这 course introduces students to the origin of the western philosophical tradition. It traces the development of Western philosophy for Socrates to its first Christian expressions and examines the contribution made to Western culture by the philosophers of the classical period, 尤其是柏拉图和亚里士多德. Discussions focus on applying the insights of classical philosophers to contemporary issues. 第一手资料和第二手资料都将使用. 前提条件:大二.

PL 261 Introduction to 哲学 of the Human Person: 3 semester hours

这门课程是关于人性哲学的导论. 它考察了一些主要的理论,对待人的本质. Such key issues as knowledge, freedom, immortality, and person are discussed. 先决条件:大二成绩.

PL 269伦理导论:3个学期学时

这门课程是伦理学哲学学科的导论. 所涉及的主题包括:伦理探究的本质, 幸福理论, 对道德活动的分析, 个人道德品质的成长, differing approaches to normative evaluation (such as duty ethics and consequences ethics), 选择道德问题. 前提条件:大二.

PL 270亚洲思想导论:3个学时

这 is an introductory survey of the general philosophical themes of Indian, 中国人, 和日本思想. 将研究古典和当代资料. 前提条件:大二.

PL 310专题:应用伦理学:3个学时

这 course applies ethical theories to areas of work-related and 社会 morality. We will examine the ethical responsibility of professional and several codes of professional ethics. 我们还将分析从商业道德领域选择的问题, 生物医学伦理学, 环境伦理或其他当代感兴趣的领域. 如果应用领域不同,本课程可以重复. 先决条件: PL 269 或者是等价的.

PL 322艺术哲学 & 美容:3个学时

这 course explores areas in aesthetics from a philosophical point of view, with an emphasis on relating aesthetics consistently to other philosophical concepts. Areas of discussion can include whether or not there is an objective basis for claims about art and beauty, 艺术和美的定义, 艺术家的素质, and various aesthetic theories throughout the history of philosophy and art. 先决条件: Completion of the core curriculum requirement in philosophy.

PL 360哲学史专题:3个学期

这 course is an examination of important philosophical problems or issues. 课程内容将根据学生的兴趣而有所不同. 本课程内容不同,可重复学习. 先决条件: completion of the core curriculum requirement in philosophy.

PL 371当代思想:3个学期学时

这 course is a critical study of how philosophers today have attempted to comprehend our humanness and our place in the universe. 这 course emphasizes the insights of contemporary philosophers into the unique problems of our time. 前提条件:完成哲学核心课程要求.

PL 375信仰与理性:3个学期学时

这 course examines issues in the philosophy of religion and 应用程序 of the techniques of philosophical investigation to problems in Judeo-Christian and ecumenical theologies. 主题包括支持和反对上帝存在的论证,. 神性的各种概念, 邪恶的问题, 真理和宗教语言的问题, 来世的问题, 对信仰本质的哲学观点, 神的启示和宗教经验. Prerequisites: Completion of the Core curriculum 需求 in both philosophy and religious studies and at least a junior standing.

PL 400高级独立研究和写作:3个学时

这是哲学专业的必修课. Students are required to write a philosophical paper on a topic chosen in consultation with the instructor as an integral part of the capstone experience. Students are also required to do independent research using both primary and secondary sources and to apply their own philosophical reflection in writing a major paper. 这门课只对哲学专业的学生开放. 前提条件:导师允许.

PL 445哲学独立学习:3个学时

在老师的指导下独立研究选定的课题. 前提条件:教师许可.


Mount Mercy提供优惠 学费 和慷慨 奖学金.

We also encourage all students to apply for federal, state, and other kinds of 金融援助.


我们全年都接受申请,这很容易! 没有截止日期,没有费用,没有压力.

  1. 创建您的 应用程序
  2. 按照标准录取标准申请或者选择“可选考试”
  3. 索取以前就读过的所有院校的正式成绩单. 邮件:

* Mount Mercy大学招生

* If you are applying for an accelerated program, please mail to "Accelerated Programs"

有关如何申请的更详细说明,请参阅我们的 招生页面.



The most obvious career path in philosophy is graduate school and then professorship. 然而, 哲学专业的学生通常擅长各种技能, 包括批判性思维和高阶思维, 在复杂的信息中找到关键的概念, 评估的想法, 澄清道德层面, 有效的沟通.

结果是, 我们的专业在许多学科的研究生院都取得了成功, 尤其是法学院. 除了, philosophy students have found that these skills have contributed to their success in whatever field they enter.


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  • U.S. 退伍军人事务部
  • 地平线:家庭服务联盟
  • 地区药物滥用委员会
  • 布鲁斯莫尔历史遗址和社区文化中心